We pray so that the Spirit of the Lord may fulfill every Word preached from this pulpit. We pray so that every one of the congregation who listened to the Word from this pulpit may gain a true faith through His Words.
We pray so that the people who are obedient to His Words may experience their salvation in His Gospel and become more perfect like our Lord. We pray so that this pulpit may stir the consciences of God's people who live a godly and righteous life before Him, to live a life full of love and justice in the body of Christ, as well as being responsible in all aspects of their lives as witnesses of the Gospel of Christ in the world.
May all glory be returned to the Lord, giver of His Words to mankind. May peace reign over every soul whom He loves forever. Lord, bless and lead the ministry on this pulpit until Your will is done. Reveal Your vision to Your people, call Your servants to harvest Your fields. Bless my nation through this pulpit. Grant the prayer of Your servant.
(Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong)
Taken from: Devotional Reading in the Inaugural Service of MRII on September 17, 1989.